Bad Blogger

Posted by Ellie at 5:44 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Things have been so Hectic around here. I haven't had a moment to stop to catch my breath. I did however manage to make my way to BnH in NYC and Pick Up and new lens. Tamron 28-75 f/2.8. I have to say I love it!. It feels a little weird to have my 85 in the bag though:-).

I have a few sessions in the making and it seems like June may be booked. I'm Not "OFFICIALLY" Starting My business. I'm Portfolio Building. So The sessions are $35.00 and You choose your Prints.

OK I'm off to straighten Up before Big J gets home. I think he may be bringing me home a present (500GB external Hard drive.) But before I go here are a few shots of My Miss Ella Marie:-)



Posted by Ellie at 10:59 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So I'm Portfolio Building. I'm offering free..yup free sessions and the only thing you will have to pay for are the Prints. So with That said Here is a Sneak peek into My First "official" Portfolio Building session.

My sweet chunky Monkey Nephew Noah. He is 5 months old and so very smart. My sister is so very blessed. He has these eyes that I'm sure by the time he's in high school plenty of young Lady's will have taken notice of them. What a cutie he is.

Here are a few Shots from this evenings shoot..Ooh and I got my Tracy Joy Bag and Camera Strap. It was so easy to move around with it. Well worth the money:-)

Last But Not Least My newest addition:)

I'm off for now.

.Walking and Talking

Posted by Ellie at 12:46 AM

So I took the Kids over by the lake this Evening. We needed to get out of the house. Plus it was around 6:45pm and You know that's the golden hour-ish and I ate a Flipping Ice Cream Sundae I had No Business eating. So I planned on walking that off.

The kids ran and played for about 15 minutes, then seemed to get bored with the lake, me and all the walking. So I told them to walk a head and think about what could be living in the lake. Imagine anything in the world. So off they went a few feet a head of me. I could tell Gabrielle was telling Jody some kind of outrageous story Just by the way he kept Jumping every other second.

So we walked all they way to the end of the Lake and Turned around. By that time Ella had enough of her car seat and the stroller. She was Hungry and she wanted to eat Pronto. So I hurried the kids along and we made it back to the car in no time. On the way home I asked Jody what he thought might be in the lake. He paused for a minute and said Kid eaters. I waited a second then asked him again. He said Kid eaters they eat kids. I said well what do they look like. He said I don't know mom I'm a kid if they see me they'll eat me.

After I was done swallowing my heart from laughing so hard. I asked him where in the world did he ever hear of such a thing. He said that this dad told him about them. I was convinced that Gabrielle had made them up, but when I asked her she said No Mom I told him their were Giant sharks that would eat him In the water.

So this poor kid thinks their is something out there to eat him..Poor Guy..anyway I'm going to head to bed and Hope to not dream of Adult eaters and Giant Sharks. But before I go here are some Photo's from this evening.



Posted by Ellie at 1:22 AM

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sometimes I get frustrated with Life and Laundry;) and the tons of things that I have to accomplish in one day. So many days I've Plopped down on my bed and thought. Uhh! I still have 2 Loads of Laundry to fold, Gabrielle needs help with her Homework, Ella needs to be changed and Little J wants a snack. Ooh and yeah Mommy needs a shower. Then their are days like yesterday that make me forget about the Laundry, the dishes, the homework. The small things in life that really have no meaning when it comes to Your happiness.

Anyway, I Put Ella down on the floor to play and Gabrielle and Little Jody Immediately flocked to her side to coo and talk with their sweet little voices to her. So I (being the camera whore that I am) Grabbed my camera Threw my 50 on and Grabbed a few shots. Here's Just one for Now. I shot them in RAW and a ACR scares me. So I only had time to edit one.

I can Whole hearted say I am so very Blessed.

My yiddle Glow worm

Posted by Ellie at 11:28 AM

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Found a Glow worm On My couch this afternoon..wanna see?!?!

and those cheeks!! ahh:)